Art On Leather from Artist Karl
Struggling for ideas and need some inspiration?
Take a look at the digitally created jacket artwork below. My artwork portfolio on this website here may also give you some creative ideas.
If you see an idea you like and want to commission me to do something similar please get in touch so we can have a chat - a no obligation quote can be provided.
Some images may be subject to copyright but they are just ideas to get you thinking!!

Do you have a tattoo that you hate covering up?
Well why not replicate it on to your leather jacket?
That way you can display your tattoos even when it's cold and raining!
This example is subject to
copyright and cannot be
duplicated as artwork.

I hope that you have enjoyed looking at my ideas and if I have inspired you to have your own unique piece of art created,
please get in touch.
T: 07775 782369